Bike Repair Prices & Servicing to Keep and Get you back on the Road Fast
If you’ve been cycling for any length of time you will have experienced the annoyance and frustration.
Getting your gear on and looking forward to getting out there and enjoying the open road only to find you have a puncture, a broken spoke or worse, a brake problem.
BikeMechTech provides a fast, efficient service and competitive pricing to get you back on the road when a repair is needed and a range of servicing options to minimise breakdowns and keep you in the saddle.

Bike Repairs
Broken spoke, puncture, wobbly wheel, brake, gear trouble, BikeMechTech is here to help.
We can carry out a wide variety of repairs on broken parts or fit new ones where required.
Bicycle Servicing
Servicing ensures your bike, regardless of the type, is in tip-top condition all the time.
Keeping your bike in the best mechanical condition increases reliability, safety and gives you peace of mind.
Old bikes are my passion, particularly from the 70’s & 80’s.
If you have an old bike and would like to see it back looking its best BikeMechTech can help you restore it to its former glory.
Get your Bike back on the Road Fast - Call Jim NOW on 01506 501324 or 0790 3502363
Hourly Rate or Fixed Price - No Job Too Small